Work It Out Wednesday: Safe and Sound

I’ve decided that I am just like the U.S. Postal system.  I am hemorrhaging, hobbled, begging to be put out of my misery–and yet I keep on delivering through rain, sleet and snow.  This week is a jump week in my program, so I’m scheduled for 4 miles on Monday (check!), 7 miles on Tuesday (done in the pouring rain…check!), 4 miles today (coming soon!) and then 14 miles on Friday (good Lord willing)!

The plantar fasciitis is ever-present but so far still not to the point where I need to call the doctor.  I spend a lot of time icing on frozen water bottles and applying my compound cream.  I sit on my ass a lot when I’m not running.  Run, ice, blog, apply cream…

and sit with my new puppy on my lap.  Yep, there’s a new member of the family, and she requires a lot of cuddling.  Basically, if she is in my lap, then she’s not peeing on the floor.


HH finally caved to my incessant pleas of the past few months (I am nothing if not a bugger!) and allowed me to add just one more dog.  His only request was that we rescue a dog this time instead of getting a purebred (Oscar is actually the first purebred dog we’ve ever had).  I found Miss Stella at a Petsmart adoption event for a local rescue group, and I literally snatched her seconds before another couple took her (they kept lurking waiting for me to set her down…no way, peeps.  Go away.)  Then I had to fend off a woman who showed up and claimed she had put an application in three weeks before (she lives in an apartment, so they told her no.  Sorry, lady.  Go away.)  This little princess belonged with us!

She is a Dachshund/Boston terrier mix and is 100% lovable, except for when she uses our rugs as her personal pissoir.


Oscar loves her, the boys adore her, and even HH has spent a fair amount of time holding her in his lap.  He now calls our house the Dog Pound, but I think he’s secretly quite fond of her.  I hope he knows that I am not-so-secretly fond of him.  I owe him one!

Of course, I am in love.  I want to just hold her today instead of venturing out for 4 more miles in the snow.  But I won’t…know why?

Because I’ve raised $1575 for the Spondylitis Association of America so far!  Woohoo!  Fistpump!  Uh-huh…that’s right!  I checked my fundraising Charitybets page (the link is at the top of the blog), and I am now up to $1575.  I am so thrilled and excited.  If you are one of those who has given, please know how much I (and TiffeeG) truly appreciate it and how it inspires me to keep running!  If you haven’t donated but you read the blog, please know that I appreciate that too…I don’t want to feel like I am writing and no one is reading, and I am grateful for any and all support.

So, I’m headed out into the blowing snow soon for my slow 4-miler and then off to the vet for Miss Stella’s first checkup.  I think I’ll set my running playlist with one of my favorite running songs…the song for Work It Out Wednesday…

Safe and Sound by Capital Cities.  It’s bouncy, light and totally feel good.  It’s a song that I can picture playing on outdoor speakers in the middle of summer.  I’ll need that imagery to combat the snow blowing in my face.

Total miles logged: 135!

5 thoughts on “Work It Out Wednesday: Safe and Sound

  1. Hey Ang! Okay…I’ve put off working out this morning doing everything I can think of wasting time….BUT your post has inspired me. If you can run in this snow than I can start my indoor workout and stop being lazy! 🙂 I’ll be thinking of precious Stella rather than looking at the clock wondering how much longer till I’m done! She’s so cute.


  2. Are you kidding me? You have a dedication that I do not possess. I am so impressed that you are running today. If it weren’t for my darn IT band issue I’d be joining you…not. 🙂 It’s windy and bitter cold out there. You go girl!


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