Race Pics Are In!

The Running With the Cows Half Marathon pics are in, and boy did I have a good laugh.  Of course I have to share…

The only photos of me were taken at approximately Mile 13 (just a minute or two left!) and at the finish line.  I actually like this first pic (a rare thing) because my feet are actually wide apart, thus showing that I was actually running and not just quickstepping the damn race, PLUS I’m not even heel striking.  And I appear to be snapping my fingers, like all the cool kids do.

I would love to be a curvy gal with an actual waist, but as you can tell by this pic, I am built like a tree trunk…


Those three people around me were trying desperately to hang…snap!

This next pic is perhaps more reflective of the agony that is Mile 13 in a half marathon, and I’ve included a nice caption so you can see what I was thinking (as well as the guy behind me)…



If you couldn’t guess, we ran a little further then turned left.

Let’s zoom in on my face…



I look like someone just farted, and I had no idea that that much of my right boob was hanging out.  I am still snapping.

I’ve saved the best for last.  I had a bit of a moment at the finish line where it hit me that I’d run three half marathons in five weeks, and I threw my arms out in oh so dramatic fashion.

This is how a princess crosses the finish line.


I can’t stop laughing at this picture.  Hope you enjoy it too!


30 thoughts on “Race Pics Are In!

  1. Great pics! I officially need to remember to wear bright tops in races. Your pink shirt is so bright and cheerful. The finish line pic is great – both your expression and the farm machinery in the background 🙂


    • Thanks! I usually wear a Nathan fuel belt with two 10 oz. bottles, but one leaked during a race last month, so I bought the 20 oz. handheld that you see in the pic. I really like it…I filled it with Nuun. It also has a zipper pocket, and that’s where I kept my Honey Stingers!


  2. You look so much better then I do in a race, but that is probably true at other times too. 🙂 Congrats again on the 3 finishes and all the agony you managed to push through! I think that is an amazing thing. I’m still trying to get over my one half and that was like a month ago!!!


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