For Your Viewing Pleasure: My Race Pics

The race pics are in, and though there are no pics of me touching my fingers together in the midst of my out-of-body experience, there is still plenty to laugh at!  So, for your Friday amusement, I now present my last half marathon summed up in three short pics…

First, HH…running strong at the end of Mile 9 (the wheels on the bus were still going round and round at that point, he said, but fell off shortly thereafter)–


I would give anything for his skinny thighs and ass…it’s not easy being married to a man whose butt is smaller than yours.  These are my problems.  Feel for me, people, feel for me.

And here I was, a few minutes earlier at the same spot…half delirious, but somehow rocking an 8:55 mile (not great, but acceptable given my state.)  Hey, Mr./Ms. Photographer, where were you at Mile 4 when I pulled that 8:10 mile out of my ass?  My stride would have photographed beautifully!


And now I would like to demonstrate the power of two photos, taken just a second apart, to demonstrate both the agony of defeat and how a slightly different angle and snapshot in time can look so different.

Photo 1: I appear to be moving, which is good considering that I was in the middle of a damn race.  My eyes are closed in an expression that is part what-the-hell-am-I doing, part I-am-headed-to-the-medical-tent-can-anyone-give-me-a-ride, part I’ll-be-damned-if-I’m-not-going-to-finish.  I am moving the fingers on my left hand, because I had lost sensation in them.  Was I trying to snap?  Who the hell knows?  At least I don’t look that fat…I look like me when I look in the mirror.  This is what I see in myself…and I’m okay with it…


Photo 2:  NOT OKAY!  I have highlighted the areas of my discontent.  HH and I laughed for at least ten minutes over this photo last night, but secretly I am just glad that I have a well-worn sense of humor and can laugh at myself; otherwise, I might cry.  Who is this dumpy speed walker and what is she doing with my race bib on?


I hope this pic gave your your laugh for the day…it is certainly giving me motivation for next weekend’s redemptive half marathon!  Happy running, readers!

21 thoughts on “For Your Viewing Pleasure: My Race Pics

  1. I just tried to comment but not sure it posted…anyway, what I was trying to say is that I think you are rather harsh on yourself – these are great race pics, all I see is a fit and determined runner! Well done, great time too!


    • Thank you! It’s true, none of us look our best while running, unless we are Ridiculously Photogenic Runner. Still, I thought it was one for the ages…I hope to cross the next finish line in full-on pose mode! Smiles and jazz hands perhaps…


  2. My race photos always suck. I’m like a bad-photo magnet, even when I try to smile. Bah. But hey, an 8:55 is far better than I can ever hope to run, so don’t knock yourself too hard, all right? You have a lot to be proud of. 🙂


  3. Aww I think you are being way too hard on yourself in that second pic although I did laugh at the waddling duck feet. I think race photographers are trained to make people look as crappy as possible. Your calf muscles look awesome!!!


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